Project Portfolio

Quadrotor Pathplanning

RRT* with minimum snap trajectory optimization.
Custom built Blender simulator.

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Film target in front while avoiding obstacle
Blue: drone
Yellow: target to film
Red: obstacle

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Multi-agent Planplanning

Plan collision free paths for multiple agents
Bold number: agent current position
Italic number: agent goal position

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IMU Attitude Estimation

6-DoF IMU Attitude Estimation with:
Complementary filter
Madgwick filter
Uncented Kalman filter(UKF)

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Portfolio 1


My implementation of NeRF
Simplified version without stratified sampling

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Portfolio 1

Panorama Stitching

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About Me

Someone who relishes the challenges of robotics, indulges in snowsports, and adores my charming cat, Coco.
Image 1

Hello there! I'm Oliver, a passionate robotics engineer with a knack for creating innovative solutions in the world of automation and artificial intelligence. When I'm not immersed in the fascinating realm of robotics, you'll often find me embracing the crisp mountain air, carving through fresh powder on skis or a snowboard. I have a deep love for snowsports, and the mountains have always been my happy place. And in the cozy corners of my life, there's a mischievous and adorable feline companion named Coco, who adds that extra touch of warmth and playfulness to my days.


May 2023


Software engineer intern

May 2023 – August 2023 (3 months)
Natick, MA. USA


Aug 2022

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Major: Robotics Engineering

Aug 2022 – May 2024
Worcester, MA. USA


Mar 2019

DEKA Research & Development Corp.

Robotics Control Systems Engineer

Mar 2019 – Mar 2022 (3 years)
Manchester, NH. USA


Aug 2015

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Robotics

Aug 2015 – Feb 2019
Terre Haute, IN. USA